Friday, March 30, 2012

20 Ways to Blow Your Tax Refund on Tech

PCMag.Com - Are you scrambling to get your taxes done as April 17 rolls closer and closer? Or are you among the 43 percent of Americans who, according to a Rasmussen Reports national survey, say they’ve filed their income taxes?

If you are grouped with the latter, you might want to start thinking about how you’ll spend your tax refund. The latest IRS statistics show the average federal tax refund is $3,000 and at least a third of those getting something back are planning to spend all or part of it, according to Capital One Bank’s annual Taxes and Savings Survey. The survey said one out of every four Americans plans to save at least part of their refund, while 17 percent plan to pay down debt. That being said, 69 percent of Americans don’t calculate their tax refund into their annual budget at all and look at it as “free money,” making it easy to spend on luxury items. Five percent who are going to shop with their refund will be pricing out some electronics.

If you’re not one of the lucky ones who’ll actually get money back from the government, and you instead owe a good chunk of change, you may ease some of that burden by selling some of your own gadgets. When the new iPad was announced, we rounded up a handful of re-commerce websites for those wishing to sell their previous-gen iPads. Whether you have an old iPad or a handful of old cell phones, sell your used gadgets on these websites and you might even make enough to cover what you owe Uncle Sam.

We asked PCMag staffers what gadgets they’d buy with nearly three grand and they produced a list that has us eyeing our refund check. Click to see what gadgets we’d buy with our “free money,” and let us know in the comments what gadgets (if any) you plan to purchase with your own tax return.