Thursday, September 18, 2014

Phone Out of Juice? Yell to Charge It!

h/t - @osamaelmageid

industry tap - Smarter phones require more power. So, when you need your phone to make a call because you’re stranded on the side of the road or you’re bored in the doctor’s waiting room and need to conquer that tricky Candy Crush level you’ve been stuck on, that is, undoubtedly, when your phone will run out of battery power and turn itself off.
Shouting at your phone in frustration might seem useless but your voice could soon hold enough power to juice up your phone.
Researchers at the Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) have found a way to turn your shouts into battery power. The gadget they’ve developed uses sounds, such as screams at sports stadiums or even a simple conversation, to charge your mobile phone.   Read More