Monday, June 27, 2011

iPhone and PS3 Hacker Heads to Facebook

PCMag.Com - From gray hat to white hat, one of the Internet's more well-known celebrity hackers as of late has decided to take up shop at one of the Web's biggest social properties: Famed PlayStation hacker George "GeoHot" Hotz has gone to Facebook.

It's unclear what exactly Hotz is working on over at Facebook headquarters, but it's rumored that he's involved with product development for the company's alleged iPad app. The news of Hotz's brand-new job first broke when Joshua Hill—a member of the Chronic-Dev Team responsible for a variety of Apple product jailbreaks–noted that Hotz had backed out of an iPad 2 hacking challenge between the two.

The news was confirmed—where else?—from a quick visit to Hotz's Facebook page, where he's listed himself as working as a Facebook software engineer starting in May 2011. His first official day on the job was May 9.

According to Hill, Hotz now prefers to stay out of the public light when it comes to hacks or exploits. But it's unclear whether Hotz's shift to the corporate world will keep him from investigating new exploits for Apple products or other devices in the future.
