Forbes - Artificial red blood cells good enough to be transfused into patients
have been developed for the first time. Scaled up to industrial levels,
the breakthrough could lead to factories producing virtually limitless
supplies of cheap blood – technically called erythrocytes – for use in
the world’s most common life-saving medical procedure.
“We have made red blood cells that are fit to go in a person’s body,”
said Marc Turner, medical director at the Scottish National Blood
Transfusion Service, who is leading the £5m ($8.5m) project funded by
the Wellcome Trust. “Before now, we haven’t really had that.”
The announcement is the latest in the relatively new field of
regenerative medicine, which has already seen the development of
artificial skin, liver, bone, cartilage and blood vessels, though not
always in useful quantities.
The new source of supply could consist entirely of Type O negative
blood, which can be transfused into any patient. This is currently quite
rare, as only 7 per cent of donors have Type O negative. Read More